Privacy & AML/CFT Consents Notice Requirements
Privacy Act 1993 – Requirements
- acknowledge that all informationprovided above is true and correct;
- I am/we are:
- over the age of 18 years;
- not undischarged bankrupt/s;
- authorise Crown FinancialServices Limited to send this loan request to any third party (the CreditProvider); and
- agree that the Credit Providermay collect from credit reporting agencies, other credit providers, my/ouremployer, accountant or other named persons or relatives, such personalfinancial and commercial information and references about me/us as is necessaryfor the purposes of assessing this loan request, also, I/we agree that you mayproduce this authority to such parties for the purposes of collecting suchinformation.
- I/we agree to meet the cost ofany securities (if required) to support this loan request, such valuation to beobtained by you as a direct result of this loan request. My/our solicitors oragents are authorised to accept any notification on my/our behalf.
- I/we acknowledge that the aboveinformation is true and correct in every respect and it is on this basis thatI/we make this loan request.
- I/we acknowledge that if a CreditProvider provides this finance, the Credit Provider:
- will keep the personalinformation during the period that the finance is provided and for six monthsafter repayments of all credit provided by a Credit Provider;
- may collect and monitor personalinformation about me/us as is necessary for the administration and protectionof such credit; and
- may provide any of the personalinformation to a third party employed by a Credit Provider to assist inenforcement of any agreement between us;
- I/we request the Credit Provideror any related finance company to send me/us details of other products andservices from time to time;
- I/we understand that CrownFinancial Services Limited is asking for personal information about me/us touse Centrix Reporting Services to credit check me/us including
- verification of identity as CrownFinancial Services Limited may be required to do by laws such as the Anti-MoneyLaundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AMLCFT Laws). Wherethe personal information may readily be retrieved, I/We shall have access to it and the rightto request correction.
“Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AMLCFT Act) – PEP Requirements”
In signing this agreement, I/we declare that I am/we are not a PEP as defined under section 5 of the AMLCFT Act.
I/We confirm that I am authorised to act and to provide the personal details presented and I consent to my information being passed to and checked with the document issuer, official record holder, a credit bureau and authorised third parties for the purposes of verifying my identity and address. I also confirm that I have the express authority to bind the company in my capacity as a Director and/or Shareholder of the abovenamed Company.
By giving my agreement to this consent, on paper or on-line, I have also ticked the box below to accept/confirm that I am giving my express consent for my details to be checked.
(i)Provision of Additional Services
I/we authorise the Credit Provider to disclose personal information about me/us to a credit agency for the purposes of compiling a credit report, creating a credit profile, merchandising, market research and offering additional services including newsletters from or the offer of additional credit facilities. The information that may be disclosed includes name, address and telephone number, the loan amount of any facility, any debits made, the frequency and amounts of payments made including details of overdue payments. I/we understand that I/we have the right to access and request correction of my personal information held by the credit reporting agency.
I/We fully read and fully understood Crown Financial Services’ Privacy Policy, Credit Consent and AMLCFT Consent outlined in these terms and conditions.